Welcome to my Journal

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As you may have noticed, I’ve been away from Stumbling Across the World for a couple of months now. A combination of illness, apathy, and general ennui has led me to neglect my blogging ambitions. In order to rectify this I have decided to start a Stumbling Journal that will be less about sharing constructed posts, and more about writing freeform.

In short, this journal is as much for me as I hope it will be for you.

I have been struggling to find the desire to write recently, and became much less enthusiastic about getting this website up and running.

Such is the plight of the fragmented mind at times of low motivation.

It has taken most of my focus and energy recently to just keep everyday essential activities going. Showering, eating, being social, going to work… the parts of life that should be easy take monumental effort during periods of “depression”.

I put that word in quotation marks because I use it only as I can’t think of a better way to describe the foggy funk I’ve been in. But I suppose depression is what it was even though I wasn’t experiencing the negative thoughts I’m used to associating with depressive episodes.

Throughout these almost three months of low mood, tiredness, and illness (because joys of joys, mental illnesses come hand in hand with physical symptoms a lot of the time! Hello poor immune system, digestive issues, and headaches), I have always intended to come back to this site.

What I have been finding stressful in regards to writing has been the self imposed pressure to monetise, increase visibility, and general popularising of the website. And whilst I still have goals and desires to one day make my living as a freelancer, I find that enjoying what I’m doing is ultimately more important to me right now.

Hence this new Journal section to Stumbling Across The World.

Here I intend to just write my story. SEO be damned (there’s a nice red warning dot on my plugin already lol).

I will get back to writing more informative, helpful posts soon, but as I build back up to incorporating blogging back into my life I shall start here.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings and stories as I plan my next great adventure (Australia 2019 is a go!!) and if not, well…

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