Albus Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling)
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Mental Health
Mental health is one of the most important and defining factors in my life.
I’ve struggled with my own mental health for half my life and I continue to experience the difficulties that arise from these issues.
However, I refuse to let this define or dictate my life. I accept that my struggles will forever influence who I am, and how I journey through my story, but this is not all I am.
Learning to travel whilst caring for my mental wellbeing has been incredibly challenging, and is something I am still trying to perfect. There are many resources and tools available to make things easier though, and I want to share these with you.
I believe that I can fulfil my dream of becoming a full time traveller, even if it takes me longer than I’d like. What some people may be able to dive in and do before they’re twenty, I have taken a slower and more cautious path. But it is my path. My journey. My story.

Self Care
I have pooled together the tricks and tools that have helped me survive some of the hardest times whilst travelling.
Taking care of yourself when suffering mental health issues is so important. It is also one of the hardest things to achieve, especially if you are travelling solo.
But you can do it, one small step at a time.
And know that you are not alone, even when it feels that way. The travel community is made up of all kinds of people from all walks of life, but we all have one thing in common. The desire to explore, see more, experience as much as we can, and connect with the world.

Together, we can achieve anything.