Adventure Starts Here…

Thank you for visiting Stumbling Across The World, my little corner of the cyberverse where I show everyone travelling with anxiety is possible.

Living with an anxiety and depression disorder can make it feel like long term travel is a distant dream, but I believe anyone who wants to travel can find a way.

I am still on my own journey to becoming a full time traveller. There have been many roadblocks in my way, and this website is still a work in progress. But I am determined and no matter how many times I have to pick myself up and start again, I refuse to give up on my dream.

With that in mind, please get to know my story in the About Me pages and dive into my travel stories, Guides, and general ramblings!

I’ve split things up into four sections sections:

My Journey so far….

My goal is to have visited every continent before 2026 (with the possible exclusion of Antarctica unless I win the lottery!). As it stands I only have 2 left, and plans are in the works 🙂

And to make things more exciting, I’ve decided to also try to visit 40 countries before I’m 40! Which means as 2024 begins I have 9 countries to visit and 2 years to fit them in!

Absolutely achievable! I managed 8 countries in 2023 alone and that’s not even including Wales (which my Welsh friend would disagree with so lets call it 9!).

I’m planning to visit Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Switzerland this year, followed by Kenya, Peru and Mexico in 2025/26.

Watch this space!

If I can do it, so can you!

My mission is to visit every continent before I’m 40 and share that journey with you!

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💛 Thank you for visiting and sharing my stumbles 💚