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Today I’ve booked us on a boat tour of the Amalfi coast. There were several options to choose from and I opted for the long day visiting two ports. Essentially trying to make the most of what may be my only trip here.
That means an early start! Which of course also means I don’t sleep well.
The area around the apartment isn’t as noisy as Saturday night, but it’s not quiet either. You can hear everything from the street due to the construction of the building. Lots of gaps without windows…
Plus I never sleep well when I know I have to get up early!
Regardless, I am up and have a packed lunch made by 7:30. So we head off to the meeting point near Central Station.
Unexpected transport
I didn’t actually check where the port we are being transferred to is. I just assumed the 8:30 minibus would take us somewhere in Naples.
As we drive out of the city I look it up and discover Porto Piano is actually near Sorrento. Which means being on the uncomfortable bus for about an hour.
When we arrive at the port we are told that we are just being taken by boat to our check in.
So that’s another half an hour journey , but at least it’s more comfortable.
Off we get at the check in offices, and then we have to wait around for our tour to actually start.
At last we board our boat, which is not as comfy as the last one I might add, and are off to Amalfi at 10:40.
Gulf of Naples
There’s very little communication initially about the plan for the day.
Eventually our guide introduces himself and gives us an itinerary though. He’s a lovely guy, but the company seems a bit disorganised. More on that later.
First off we stop for swimming!
I spent my time in Australia and New Zealand getting over my fear of being in the ocean, so am determined to not have a setback.
It’s been three years since then and I’m a little apprehensive, but am going in anyway!
The water is lovely and clear, not cold, and very pleasant.
I really enjoy just floating around in these beautiful surroundings for a while.
The day is looking up!

After another hour or so on the boat, we arrive in Amalfi for lunch.
The tour provides sandwiches which I can’t eat, but apparently would have made me a salad if they’d known. No where on the booking did it mention lunch being provided though, so I didn’t tell them! It just said dry snacks and drinks provided.
Never mind, I have my homemade lunch anyway which is much better!
We only get an hour in Amalfi so eat quickly, sitting on a wall, then start wandering.
It’s VERY busy and touristy.
And if you know anything about the Amalfi coast, you’ll know it’s set in a cliff face. So the only way is up!
I find a tunnel which leads up, and is much cooler than the steps outside. It’s interspersed with lifts which I love. It’s like a vertical metro system!
The view is lovely, and must be amazing from the top! But I’m not climbing up there, definitely not got the time today.
We do have a few minutes to spare back at sea level though, and so wander the busy tourist shops.
The theme is definitely lemons.
Lemon sorbet, limoncello, lemon decoration. You can even get a huge lemon hollowed pie filled with lemon sorbet.

I opt for the limoncello gelato though. Nice and refreshing as we return to the boat.
A bit further back along the coast is Positano. And if Amalfi was busy, Positano is PACKED!
Just docking to get off the boat takes ages.
And like Amalfi, it’s go up or stay put.
The shops are cute, lots of ceramics. But it really is too hot for me, so the only option is to find a bar!
We find a very expensive cocktail bar, but you get to sit in a nice courtyard. So we just sit for an hour not caring about the cost.
A refreshing Hugo spritz does the trick.
Then a tiny lizard tries to move into my hat.
Good thing I spotted him. As much as I like lizards, not sure I’d have found putting him on my head amusing.

I set him free and then it’s back to the boat where my hat has yet another adventure,
It makes a break for freedom into the sea!
But is retrieved safely if now rather wet…

And then things start to go wrong
With no explanation we didn’t get to swim at all on the way back.
I’m assuming it’s because we were running late thanks to the crazy busy Positano mooring. But there’s no communication.
Eventually we arrive at a different port from where we left, even further away from Naples.
Where we have to wait ages to dock. Just sitting there on the boat, waiting.
I’m starting to feel a bit queasy at this point. The boat fumes are unpleasant and the sun is very hot. All much more noticeable without my hat or any breeze from moving along.
Finally we moor and get on a minibus.
And it just keeps getting worse…
Now if the death taxi from Naples airport was an experience, this is just a nightmare.
The driver doesn’t wear his seatbelt (like everyone else in Naples!) but the van beeps incessantly because of it. He could at least have plugged it in behind him to stop the noise!
But no, we just have to endure it.
There is horrible traffic everywhere and lots of winding roads. It takes us over 2 hours to get back to Naples.
Two hours of beeping, weaving, and being rocked about.
By now I’m feeling really sick. My head is pounding, I’ve probably got heatstroke, and haven’t eaten properly today at all.
Plus I’m still salty from the sea, and my hair feels disgusting.
When we get back to Naples it’s nearly 9pm. I’m exhausted. Not the nice busy kind of exhausted, the I’m going to faint soon kind of exhaustion.
We power walk to the apartment, all my focus on not throwing up or passing out.
I manage a quick shower to wash my hair, then promptly pass out on my bed.
Wet hair, teeth not brushed, and completely out of it.
Not the best end to our stay in Naples…
Still it’s off to Rome next, and I can’t wait!
Your amazing and so inspirational, love u always xxxx