My Story

There’s something so strange about writing an About Me page. I don’t find myself very interesting… but then I suppose I spend all my time with me!
I’m trying to fathom what people would like to know…
My favourite place to visit? Where I come from? What I like to eat?
If it is then my favourite place is Arrecife in Lanzarote (the Gran Hotel and Spa to be precise!) for no reason other than its beautiful, relaxing, and I go there with my BFF to chill and reset. Is it the best place I’ve travelled to though? No, it’s not. But favourites aren’t about what is best, they’re personal things that mean only what that do to you.
My favourite country I’ve travelled in is probably New Zealand. I had some great experiences there and it really is beautiful. It’s the place I wish I lived and if all my friends and family came too it’s where I’d like to live.
For visiting though, Japan comes out top. I adore the culture, food, landscape and people there. Once I meet my goals of visiting all continents and 40 countries by 2026 it’s where I’d most like to return.
The toughest travel experience I’ve had was two weeks in China.
I found it very difficult at times, but wouldn’t change anything. I did things out of my comfort zone and whilst I wouldn’t opt to do certain activities again, I’m glad to be able to say I have had the experience.
At Home
Where I’m from is easy. Born in Kent, raised in West Sussex, and now living in a lovely little village by the sea in Hampshire.
I’ve worked in retail for 20 years on and off. I’m currently in a full time job at a Garden Centre where I supervise giftware and I love it! It doesn’t give me much time to travel but I manage to cram in what I can!
I’m lucky to have a wonderful family and many friends. I drag them all over the world with me when I can.
Eating Across the World
As for food, I love sushi, cheese, and coffee. Really I just love food!
I love cooking and eating in almost equal measure. And especially enjoy learning to cook new dishes from my travels. I even have an Instagram dedicated to Food called Eating Across The World!
One of my signature dishes is now authentic Kung Pao chicken as I was taught in China! And my time in Italy enhanced my repertoire or risottos!
In 2020 I finally gave in to medical advice and gave up gluten (after many years of being advised to do so…. but cake is so good!) and discovered that yes I am intolerant and should have stopped stubbornly eating bread and cake years ago.
Being gluten free whilst travelling is a challenge but there are some great bloggers out there whose advice I cherish 🙂
My journey so far…
You’ve probably come to this page to find out a little bit about my life story as well, and why I decided to share that story with you.
I created Stumbling Across The World at a time when my life was at a precipice. I had decided to quit my job after just ten months, having never been more unhappy at work in my life.
Prior to starting that job I had worked contentedly for the same company for 14 years, and left as I wanted a new challenge.
As it turned out, the challenge I wanted wasn’t working full time, 9-5 (yeah right, try 8-7!) day in day out, and certainly not for a company and manager I couldn’t respect. This was not what I wanted to be doing.
Sound familiar?
I was in a fortunate position though. The job paid well enough and I had very few outgoings, meaning I was financially able to support myself without work for several months. Saving money has always been pretty easy for me, as there’s nothing I’d rather spend my money on than travelling.
That focus means I had been saving 50% of my pay every month for five years. The reward? Some amazing travel journeys that have left me with no doubt that travel is meant to be a big part of my life.
Things haven’t been easy though.
I have suffered with mental health issues since I was 16 years old (over half my life now!) and those challenges have meant travelling has been tricky.
Overcoming depression, anxiety, and self esteem issues is the biggest hurdle in pursuing my travel dreams.
But every trip I take teaches me something about myself, and the next adventure I’m able to push myself further.
Which is why I decided to start Stumbling Across The World.
I want to share my stories so anyone out there who feels like they can’t travel will realise, they can.
I am far from the only person travelling the world who suffers from anxiety and depression. Being open and honest about this part of myself has led to some of the best discussions and friendships in my life.
And let me be clear, I am coping and dealing with my mental health issues every day. But they do not define me. I am a whole person and these struggles are just a part of who I am. I believe in talking about mental health, and I believe strongly in taking control and responsibility for it. It’s not easy, in truth it’s constantly challenging, but only I can manage my mind, body, and soul.
So how do I manage travelling?
Nine times out of ten when I tell a new person I travel solo, they say “that’s so brave. I could never do that!”. Which is completely untrue. Seriously, if I can do this, anyone can.
Nothing about travel comes naturally to me. I have had to learn, explore, and grow. It has been hard work at times. And honestly, not all my travels have been fun. But it’s from these stumbles that I’ve learnt how not to fall.
I really hope you enjoy exploring this website, and please leave comments and get in touch.
I’d love to hear your stumbling stories, and am open to guest posts and/or collaborating.
You can email me at:
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